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Traveling Farm

Traveling Farm

Bring The Fair To You!

Many children know little about agriculture's role in their daily lives - where food comes from, what life on a farm is like, why it is important to have farms in our communities, etc. With the difficulties of procuring transportation for field trips, the Washington State Fair saw the need to bring the experience of live animals and agriculture education directly to the schools..

The Washington State Fair Traveling Farm had been in existence for decades, but in 2006 it was retired to be redeveloped to refresh it and make it more effective and feasible in the schools.

A 48’ self-contained trailer was constructed as a walkthrough hands-on museum. It offers dynamic activities for students about agriculture and farming. It brings the parts of the Traveling Farm that were well-loved in the past, with new opportunities to learn in its own space, creating less interruption to the school’s daily operation.

Now Accepting 2025 Reservations

Program Details

Grade Levels
1st - 3rd Grade; other grades scheduled on a per-case basis.

Dates Available
Mid-February through June. The Traveling Farm is limited to a 50-mile radius from the Washington State Fair Events Center.

At your school - requires a 23’ x 81’ area for tractor trailer with access to road and ability to pull the trailer into the designated area.

Starting Times
15 minutes after school begins until 15 minutes before school is dismissed.

Number of Classes
One maximum 30 student class per time slot - up to 6 classes per day. The smaller the classes the better experience for the students.

This outreach program travels to the school for the day to provide an educational experience about agriculture and healthy food choices for 1st-3rd grade students. The hands-on exhibit area was developed to meet Washington State E.A.L.R.s and address many different learning styles. The Traveling Farm will also give students the opportunity to have an up close farm animal encounter.

The teacher will be a great asset to the learning experience for the students and is asked to accompany their students for this experience. Pre and Post Curriculum are available to prepare the students for the day. Once our visit is over, we do ask that you take the time to fill out an evaluation so that we can provide a beneficial experience for next year.

The assistance of volunteers for the Traveling Farm experience is essential. The Traveling Farm does ask that the school provides three volunteers for the morning and three volunteers for the afternoon. Traveling Farm Staff will meet with the volunteers prior to the start of their shift to inform them about the role they will play in assisting students through the exhibit area.

For more information contact Caitlin Widhalm at (253) 841-5017. Fax forms to (253) 841-5390.

Teachers Tools

Support From The Foundation

The Washington State Fair Foundation supports the annual operational costs of the Traveling Farm through generous donations and grants. If you are interested in learning more about contributing to these funds, please check out the projects and programs of the Foundation.