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STEM Showcase

    Puyallup School District’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Showcase

    Browse project displays from K-12 students throughout the Puyallup School District. Perhaps the next Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein is among us!

    Students had the opportunity to enter the competition in one of four categories: 

    1. Scientific Practices - where a science experiment is conducted
    2. Inventions - where students invent a new idea or improve upon an existing idea to create a solution that addresses an identified problem
    3. Technology - where students demonstrate their ability to design, create, and program using computer software
    4. Reverse Engineering - where students take apart everyday items and discover the inner workings of its parts and how they work together

    Saturday evening and Sunday includes many hands-on activities and two building competitions open to all grade levels, the Straw Tower building at 11:00am and a Cardboard Box building structure at 2:00pm.